The transparency of problems

This article is inspired by a scenario the author recently observed. We are going to explore the transparency of our problems and obstacles. The same principle can be applied to any other experience too, such as our joys and pleasures. However, we want to look at our problems and obstacles specifically.

Are they really what we make of them?
Do our problems and obstacles really and truly exist on their own?
Are 'problems' and 'obstacles' only depending on perception?

The wrong message

A few days ago, the author witnessed someone extremely unhappy. The person was unhappy about the news they received per email. 

Disturbed, the person started to talk about how they will deal with this news, which choices they have to make, and how these choices may influence them and their life.

Further, the person expressed unhappiness about how this news is opening even more future problems and obstacles. 

A few hours later, the person returned to the author, smiling and happy. The person told the author that there has been a big misunderstanding - they misread the email! What the person thought they read, was not really what was written in the email.

A misunderstanding

There is a story the author heard, which is similar to what he observed and shared above. The story goes something like this:

Two young men were traveling from the South of their country to the North. On their journey, not far from their destination, one of the young men fell sick and died. The remaining young man continued his journey alone, and met an older man going the opposite direction. This older man was coincidentally going to the village where the two young men came from.

The older man was asked to please share the news with their families in the South; The one man died, but that the other one is doing well and will reach his destination soon.

When the older man reached the Southern village, he shared the message with the families of the two young men, but by mistake, he switched the names around. 

The family of the dead man was celebrating and rejoicing, while the family of the man alive was grieving and suffering.

What is it really?

Now, let's consider the following. Are our problems and obstacles really what we think they are?

There are many ideas arising and appearing within us. But, are they true? Are they real? See, our thoughts create distortions of reality. We believe these distortions and suffer accordingly.

Simply said, most of our unhappiness is 'all in our head!'

Instead of believing the thoughts and ideas appearing, let's check up. Let's investigate the reality of the thoughts, as well as the one aware of them. When we observe and investigate with wisdom and clarity, we realize that our so-called problems are not truly what we make of them.

The transparency of problems. Discover the Universe that is You. Shanti Universe blog by Anrich Bester.
Thoughts and problems are not always a true reflection of reality. Let's check up!

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The burden of choice - 5 December 2021
