In love with our True Nature

As we investigate our own Nature, our own Being, we realize that we cannot differentiate between the consciousness observing this investigation, and ourselves. There is no distinct line or border between ourselves, and consciousness.

We cannot say that one is the subject and one is the object. They are one and the same. We are consciousness.

But, what does this have to do with love?

Like gold

The consciousness that we are, is impersonal. It has no limitation, and it has no identification. It is pure, free, open, and without lack. 

When we realize that consciousness is not two and not limited, then we realize that the same consciousness that is 'ourself', is the same consciousness that is also 'other'. Accordingly, we realize that there are no 'other'. There is simply a vast variety of the same consciousness. Like the same gold, that comes in the names and forms of rings, earrings, bracelets, pendants, etc. They look different, but they are the same essence.

The same life force that is within us, the same sentience, is exactly the same sentience in all life, everywhere. In other people, in animals, in plants, and in every mode of life. When we know and feel this, we experience an absence of separation between ourselves and others. 

Instead of feeling or thinking that we are an object in time and space, we acknowledge and know ourselves as pure consciousness, and we feel ourselves living in and through all living beings.

Crazy in love

Spontaneously, and without intention, we experience a oneness, which we call love. This love is not aimed and limited to objects, but it is directed toward the sentience that exists and lives in and through all things. 

Also, we fall in love. This is not the same as when we are in love with someone and desire them as an object. We fall in love with sentience, and we fall in love with the beauty and the expression of sentience.

In admiration and in love with sentience, we may appear crazy, but we are just crazy in love. 

Loving and being in love in this way, is expressed as happiness, care, kindness, and compassion. But, without any identities or individuals involved. In other words, without limitations.

The love flows freely and openly from the Universal and unlimited Source. We can say that in this way, there is only God being in love with Herself.

God loving God.

In love with our True Nature. Discover the Universe that is You. Shanti Universe blog by Anrich Bester.
"The same life force that is within us, the same sentience, is exactly the same sentience in all life, everywhere."


  1. Beautifully written. Thanks for the words of wisdom.


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