A gradual change

Inspired by a reader's comment, the author did a series of articles called The Pathless Path. These 6 articles touched on different paths or practices that can make us aware of our True Nature, which is already and always Here and Now.

However, there is another side to spirituality that cannot go unacknowledged. The practices and the paths are all good, valid, helpful, but they must be accompanied by our sincerity and honesty. Our spiritual practice requires clear intentions, motivations, as well as commitment, and discipline.

Merely saying or thinking that we want lasting peace and happiness is not going to bring us to the reality of peace and happiness. We need to take action, right? 

The author is using the words 'take action' in a very sensitive way. We need to 'take action' while at the same time, slowing down the 'actions'. When we start to investigate, this paradox will become clear to us.

One thing that is clear, is that the ideas we hold about this 'me' and 'I' have been causing us unhappiness and suffering. If we want lasting peace and happiness, the 'me' and 'I' that we believe ourselves to be, have to be renounced. The lifestyle and habits of this 'separate self' can never bring us lasting peace and happiness. 

Small changes

Bringing positive changes to our lives requires us to be sincere and honest with ourselves. If we can acknowledge that our current ways of living and thinking are bringing us unhappiness, we can start to change them, right? But, we need to check up and admit that yes, our attitudes and habits are not in line with peace and happiness. 

Being open to change, we take on one or some of the paths previously mentioned. In doing so, we keep in mind that like anything else, changing our habits requires persistence, dedication, and discipline.

We do not have to make drastic changes right away. We start slowly, and start to bring a healthy balance into our lives. Small changes are very helpful!

For example, we want to meditate every morning. So, we have to wake up 30 minutes earlier to do this. This is a small sacrifice we make. After meditating for some time, we realize that it is helpful to start meditation before we open our phones and scroll through social media, as this distracts our minds. This is another small sacrifice we make, accompanied by discipline.

Of course, these are simple examples. At first, this may be challenging to do, but soon we shall notice that we do this naturally, effortlessly. These sacrifices are no longer seen as 'sacrifices', but we do them happily and willingly. Spontaneously. 

Change in lifestyle

Inner transformation equals outer transformation. Changing our habits and our lifestyle implies that we stop doing many of the things we usually did. How and what we consume may change. Our views on ourselves in relation to the world will change. We shall start to see the world with new eyes; diversity melts into Unity. Separation is known as an illusion. The space between 'self' and 'others' dissolves.

These changes in our lifestyle are not always easy. For one, we start to live less in our heads, and more in our hearts. Our interactions become emotional, and not merely intellectual. At the same time, we are more sensitive to loving, compassionate experiences, while also being more sensitive to pain and suffering. Our hearts open, and become tender.

Secondly, our friends and families may not understand or support our transformation. They may not understand that we do not want to go clubbing until 4AM, that we do not want to eat or drink in a certain way. They may not understand why we do not entertain certain conversations anymore. Of course, this can make them feel hurt or rejected, and we need to deal lovingly and compassionate with this too.

Our True Nature is not one of selfishness, jealousy, hatred, desire, and separation. So, automatically we are not interested in such activities or conversations. We know, from our hearts, that this behavior is not beneficial to our path, and to each other. These kinds of activities do not promote peace and harmony.

Knowing this, it is very helpful to have a like-minded community of friends, or at least a spiritual guide or teacher.


As we continue with our practices, we shall slowly notice the positive changes in our lives. For this, we need to be patient. With time, we notice that our lives are becoming more peaceful. Selfish thoughts are not appearing so often. We do not get annoyed so easily. We are less distracted by thoughts, and more living in the present moment.

When we notice these changes, we need to carry on with our practice. There is no goal to reach, and no end of the path. Our experience will simply become more and more peaceful, more fulfilled, more intimate. This does not mean that life becomes a fairytale. It means that we accept what happens, in peace. There is no aversion or preference. We are content with what is.

This peaceful experience is not something new that gets added to our lives. We are merely becoming aware of our True Nature, which is always peace, fulfillment, and happiness. This, we shall notice. We realize that we are not seeking anything externally, we are simply becoming aware of our Peaceful Nature.

A Gradual Change. Discover the Universe that is You. Shanti Universe blog by Anrich Bester.
As the leaves slowly change color and eventually fall down, the ego also slowly changes until it dissolves.

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